
Griffin Moore, DPT

Physical Therapist

Griffin Moore, DPT

Griffin moved to Nashville in 2011 to attend Lipscomb University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science with a minor in Biology while playing on the baseball team for four years. During his time at Lipscomb, he developed a passion for strength and conditioning, which inspired him to pursue a career in physiotherapy. He went on to earn his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Belmont University in 2018.

Griffin has since advanced his expertise with post-doctorate education in various treatment techniques, including dry needling, manual therapy, and fascial manipulation. His professional experience includes directing rehabilitation and training programs for athletes in the MLB, NFL, NBA, UFC, and NCAA. Griffin believes that everyone is an athlete in some capacity and enjoys helping individuals discover a training style that suits their body and lifestyle. His ultimate passion is to help people of all ages become stronger and increase their fitness level so that they can move better and enjoy their favorite activities well into their golden years.

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Where Hospitality Meets Health.

Medicine 3.0

This is where the idea of Medicine 3.0 comes in, where clinicians use the tools of modern medicine and science to determine an individual’s potential risk of getting a disease and then pre-emptively intervene to prevent development of the disease or at least greatly reduce the impact of the disease you will have to endure. In this new paradigm, the focus of healthcare becomes maintaining your good health to not only prolong your life (lifespan) but ensure you are fit and functional enough to enjoy the extra years you live (healthspan).

The figure at the right captures the difference between Medicine 2.0 and 3.0 in the purple striped area. That is, this shows the difference between ‘living longer sicker’ or ‘living longer with better health and functionality.’ Our goal at Paradigm Health is to target this opportunity for improvement in your healthspan.

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