Products and A La Carte Services
Paradigm Health offers some tests and procedures a la carte. Certain tests can be bundled for a discount. Members receive at least a 20% discount on all a la carte services not already included in their membership. Patients with standard Medicare may have some tests or procedures paid for by their insurance. Please call if you have any questions.
Featured Products

DEXA Scan for Body Composition Analysis
DEXA Scan for Body Composition Analysis
Lean Mass, SubQ Fat, Visceral Fat, Percent Body Fat, Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)

CPET (Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test)
CPET (Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test)
VO2max, Lactate Threshold Test

Ketamine Infusion for Mood Disorders - Consultation & Initial Treatment
Ketamine Infusion for Mood Disorders - Consultation & Initial Treatment
For treatment of depression and PTSD (20% off for members)

Ketamine Infusion for Pain Disorders - Consultation & Initial Treatment
Ketamine Infusion for Pain Disorders - Consultation & Initial Treatment
For treatment of depression and PTSD (20% off for members)